Monday, June 21, 2010

local natives at schuba's!


I wandered into Schuba's Tavern Friday, May 14. Completely alone. My name with a + 1 was on the guest list, but my dear my friend and Local Native introducer - Meg - couldn't make it at the last minute. Nor could anyone else I've ever met in my entire existence. My love for this band overcame the uncomfortability of walking into a show alone. AND it was incredible. I liked connecting to the band and their music alone. I nestled right up next to the stage with two really drunk, really annoying little boys (aka 22-year-olds with bad voices). Thankfully, the show made up for their part in the audience. Check these boys out. Then check them out live. I've never met a better dressed band nor 5 kinder up-and-comers.

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